Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The XC Flyers ride again!

Hi Flyers,
this past weekend Edgars and i were out racing in the Canada Cup at Hardwood Hills (which was also O-Cup#3). The course was in decent shape despite the weather, but the roots were definitely very slick in some places. There were some nasty spills (one on Bone Shaker right in front of me...) but both Edgars and i came out unscathed.

Edgars had yet another top twenty finish in his category of Master 30-39 Expert Men. His 4 loops added up to 34.00 Km and he completed them in a total time of 1:49:07.6 for an 18th place finish.

I am happy to say that i also had a top twenty finish in my category of Master 35-39 Sport Men. We had 3 laps and a distance of 25.50 Km which i covered off in a time of 1:36:14.2 for a 17th place finish.

Next up is the O-Cup #4 at Kelso next Sunday.



Wes said...

Hey Pary,

Nice to kinda sorta meet you during the race. I'm the guy from Cycle Solutions you were riding behind for a spell. I had a crash in the 'bmx' section at the end of the first lap which also caused my tire to blow off the rim. I had to pop my tube and replace it to get going again. So yeah, I never saw anyone from my category again! But it took the pressure off and I just rode a relaxed race and enjoyed myself... well, except for the crash in the boneshaker, and another on that big boulder with the steep wooden 'ramp' up to it. :P

I'll see you again at another race, I'm sure. I'm away in Vancouver this week, so I won't be at the Kelso race.


pary said...

i was wondering what happened to you! I passed you just before that section and thought you would be back but you were gone!

That sucks, but good on you for finishing! I hope to be at Kelso, but i am not sure still because i will be out of town too.

See you at Buckwallow i guess as i can't make it to the London one...

You in Toronto? Perhaps we could hit the Don for a ride?