Friday, October 24, 2008

Winterborne Bicycle Institute

It has been a gruelling 5 days at the Winterborne Bicycle Institute's Pro Bike Mechanic course.

I've learned a lot, lost some bad habits and had the chance to interract with a diverse bunch of people in the cycling industry.

One of my goals of the course was to become proficient in wheel building and I am very pleased to say that my wheel today was 5/100th of a milimeter (that is 0.05 mm) BETTER than specficiations.

A beautiful fork crown that Jay at Winterborne may use to build you a custom bike.  Frame material options include steel, steel, steel and steel.

Some more lugs.
The perfect work bench.
Alan Medcalf, one of our patient instructors. 

Only 6 more days to go.  


pary said...

congrats on the wheel! Nicely done Paul!

Anonymous said...

Good stuff man! Andrew