Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Shimano Electronic Shifting

Yeah, but can it transform into an espresso machine?

At WBI, we had a chance to take a close look at the Shimano Electronic Indexing System (SEIS) or model 7970 tonight.  Right off the top: we could not derail the chain and it shifts very fast.  I think that you may be able to beat it shifting from the bottom of the cog set to the top but not with the same accuracy.  I'm going to focus on the shifters, as these have been subject to significant changes in order to make them work with the electronics and to improve ergonomics.

The shifter is shorter making it easier to reach, and is made out of sparkly moulded carbon.  Those are the shift buttons on the side of the levers.

On the left of the shifter head is a small plastic screw that you can use to adjust the reach of the levers, making it even  easier to adjust for people who have a difficult time reaching the levers.

Remember that you don't need to push the arms in order to shift, but Shimano built in a little swing so that the rider still receives feedback, in addition to an audible click.

Another improvement is the placement of the brake cable head seat.  It has moved to the side of the pivot to improve cable routing.  This pivot is also in a different position, supposedly to make braking on the hoods more effective, however it may not work very well with previous series brake calipers.
Exposed under the shifter hood is where you mount the cable that connects to the computer and power pack.  These cables are small, seem strong and are pretty unobtrusive.  The computer and battery mount in a unit just below the down tube water bottle.

There are 2 cable mounts on the shift levers so that the rider can position an extra set of controls at a different part of the bike.  You read correctly.  Cyclocross riders rejoice; no more cable splitters!  Think of the benefits for recumbent and tandem bikes; no ridiculously long cables!

The rest of the groupo continues with Shimano's focus on dark anodized metals and appears to rely on heavy machining of aluminum rather than carbon and plastic to reduce weight.  The derailleur is a work of art and even has a mechanism to protect the motor in the event of a crash.  

Here is what I think Shimano is looking to solve with this system: rider error and cable actuation issues.  Riders shift incorrectly and skip 1/2 gears sometimes (admit it) and cables are prone to wear, housing to stretch and ferrules will seat all throwing off performance (unless your bike sits in the garage all year-round and all you do is tune it).  Are these big issues in my book?  Nope, but I am not afraid of a little innovation and I think this is a pretty good system.  The computer takes care of all chain alignment and front derailleur trim, it is lightweight and the ergonomic upgrades are excellent.  The precision of it is simply excellent. Am I interested in rushing out and picking this up?  Nope, and here is why:

My Sram setup shifts wonderfully when the cables and derailleurs are adjusted properly.  Yes the front derailleur operation on a mechanical system is often clunky (admit it, all brands are clunky here) and I sometimes shift improperly and setup and tuning takes time, but I really don't mind these aspects of a mechanical system.  And ergonomically I think that the Shimano 7970 is really just a catch up to better fitting systems.  Yes they've built a better front derailleur but everything has stayed the same at the back end: a swinging derailleur with a chain and cogs exposed to the elements.  Electronic shifting at the back of the bike is just a shuffle forward in my books, not a great leap that would stir me to drop $12Gs.  What do I have to suggest?  Nothing really, but if someone could build on the Truvativ Hammershmidt and port that technology to the rear in a race ready application AND have it all electronic, I'd be selling my right kidney tomorrow. 

Estimated cost: 4X the amount of the mechanical version - around $12,000.


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