Thursday, November 27, 2008

4 days


Anonymous said...

NICE! The place looks great Paul! Andrew

Rothwellsmith said...

Marie Beath is an amazing videographer!!! Good Job - love the nails :) Sweet Shop Paul!!

Lysanne said...

It's really great that you share your journey with us!

You're going to have a really nice place, especially with that unicorn mirror :-)

Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

Looks fantastic. I can't wait to get in there and spend some cash!!
Sorry we'll miss the pie party this weekend - next year, maybe it'll be at the shop?'Marie Beath, great job on the camera work!!!

Anonymous said...

The shop is really taking shape and will be first class when complete. the kitchen looks great. you will need a toaster oven and and an expresso station. thanks for sharing the progress to date. Old guy in Mississaug

Unknown said...

looking fantastic - can't wait for the official grand-opening wit debit card in hand to SPEND! SPEND! and SPEND! some more ..
